4C Group Welcomes the Aldgate Community Garden Club to The Haydon
24 May 2024
Set in the heart of the Portsoken estate sits a beautiful oasis of green space, established and run by the Aldgate Community Garden Club. This club started over 20 years ago bringing together diverse communities of British, Bangladeshi, and Latino gardeners coming together to cultivate and share their expertise and cultural heritage through the green spaces.
With a spirit of community cohesion, the Aldgate Community Garden Club has taken steps to support both biodiversity and a circular economy against a changing backdrop of residents, work-life, and community needs, and it remains the most successful community projects and pride of the estate.
As part of The Haydon project, 4C Group, in collaboration with its partners Spacehub, ACME, and Regal London, aimed to enhance community cohesion by offering residents the opportunity to expand their gardens and green spaces. Neil Taylor, Managing Director, 4C Group commented, ‘‘4C Group is thrilled to extend a warm welcome to the Aldgate Community Garden Club at The Haydon Gardens. It is truly inspiring that the club has been around for more than 20 years and we look forward to them making their mark on The Haydon .’’
Hanif Ali, the Chair of the Aldgate Community Garden Club, who is currently studying RHS plant growth and development commented, ‘‘Thanks to the generous support of 4C Group, we’re taking our commitment a step further by giving back to our pollinators. Together, we’re creating a space for both people and pollinators—a green corridor in the heart of London.’’
The Aldgate Community Gardens Club was delighted to receive a visit from the Lady Mayoress City of London (Elisabeth Mainelli) on Monday 20th May, who had a tour of the existing gardens and spoke to the Portsoken residents on the history of the estate and gardening group.

Later, Elisabeth Mainelli officially opened the Haydon Gardens and spoke to the developers, Friedrich Ludewig from ACME and Giles Charlton from Spacehub, on the design and structure of The Haydon Gardens.
The guests had a guided tour of the gardens led by the Aldgate Community Garden Club. The tour also included the Sky Garden, where the club has nurtured a thriving year-round community garden, brimming with fresh fruits, vegetables, and medicinal plants.

In a joint statement Hanif Ali, the Chair, and Tim Limbrick, the Vice Chair of the Aldgate Community Gardening Club said, ‘This initiative not only supports the local ecosystem but also provides our community with an opportunity to delve deeper into the world of horticulture, ignite artistic expression, and foster connections with other communities.’

4C Group is delighted to welcome Aldgate Community Gardening Club to The Haydon Gardens, and hopes that residents, local businesses and passers-by take a moment to appreciate the green spaces around the area.

About 4C Group
4C Group manages and develops properties and hotels in key business districts and leisure hot spots across the UK, Middle East, East Africa, and Canada. The company was formed in 2010, building on the foundations of a family property business that stretches back to the 1990s. The group’s mission is to operate sustainably and delight guests and investors, whilst striving to deliver a positive environmental and social impact within local communities.