It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like….
23 October 2020
Yes, it is nearing that time of the year and what a year 2020 has been!
We have all found ways to make things work; none more-so than charitable organisations, who have not only worked hard to keep much needed services running but also provide a communal hub and friendly faces for the wider community they support.
This December, please join us in our shoebox appeal to help bring a smile to the young service users the Westminster Society supports. We are looking for around 80 shoeboxes for children/young people from 2 – 18 years old.
Simply find an empty shoebox, box, gift bag and donate toys/books/games (this can also be used items in good condition) and drop this off to our office by the 4th December 2020 . Please see the attached PDF for further details (you can also band with a friend/neighbour or family member to donate some items).