4C Hotels UK Celebrate Earth Day 2024

2 May 2024

At 4C Group, environmental responsibility is not just a corporate obligation, it’s a personal commitment. Each of us at our hotels plays a crucial role in ensuring our operations are both responsible and sustainable. We are dedicated to improving our practices in several key areas, including the below:

  • Sustainable resource consumption and production. 
  • Carbon footprint analysis and minimising our environmental impact. 
  • Promoting climate action and raising awareness. 

Earth Day is a strong reminder of our commitment to environmental stewardship, yet at 4C Group, we recognise the need for ongoing vigilance and every day is critical for environmental care. Thus, we expanded our Earth Day initiatives from February to April 2024, across our group.  

Aligned with this year’s theme ‘Planet vs Plastics’, our hotels engaged in a recycling challenge and hosted a FREE marketplace for team members, featuring appliances from hotels undergoing refurbishment. We set recycling targets for each hotel, which translated into more than 40 trees saved collectively. The marketplace allowed us to redistribute 56 items and prevent 5,414.80 kg of CO2 emissions by diverting waste from landfills. These activities not only promoted responsible consumption and waste reduction, but also fostered a culture of sustainability within our properties. 

Highlights from the sustainability survey and Earth Day activities at easyHotel London – Victoria. 

Guests and team members engaged in various Earth Day activities across the group: 

  • The Central Office hosted seed-sowing activities accompanied by a fun-filled presentation on sustainability.
  • St. Clare Coffee and Bar offered green treats to their guests and encouraged them to contribute sustainability ideas.
  • Holiday Inn Express London – St Albans hosted a ‘Guess the Number of Plastic Caps’ contest. The game was aimed at spreading awareness of the harmful effects of using plastic bottles.  
  • At easyHotel London – Victoria, guests participated in a sustainability survey and quiz. This was a nice way of connecting with the guests and sharing fun facts on sustainability.     
  • The Westin London City team conducted a beach cleanup at Queenhithe to commemorate Earth Day. 
  • Team members at Canopy by Hilton London City took part in cleaning Tower Hill Park initiative. This was a great opportunity to connect with the local community and collaborate towards a more environmentally sustainable future.

St. Clare Coffee and Bar offered green treats to their guests who were encouraged to share their ideas on sustainability. And Holiday Inn Express St. Albans organised a content, focusing on the harmful effects of plastic bottles.

The Westin London City team cleaned the Queenhithe Beach to mark Earth Day 2024.

The 4C Central Office team sowed seeds for basil, green onions, lemongrass, mint, and baby rocket.
The Canopy by Hilton London City participating in the Tower Hill Park cleaning up. 

Our ESG team along with the Green Champions, lead our ongoing sustainability initiatives, focusing on enhancing recycling practices, reducing food waste, and fostering conversations around sustainable practices and environmental protection. We remain committed to making small steps that have a significant impact, and with exciting new initiatives planned as we approach Earth Day 2025 

Previous Articles:

Earth Day 2024 | The Drive for Sustainability

Reimagining for a Sustainable Future: A Workshop on Sustainability with the London Disability Network (LDN)

About 4C Group 

4C Group manages and develops properties and hotels in key business districts and leisure hot spots across the UK, Middle East, East Africa, and Canada. The company was formed in 2010, building on the foundations of a family property business that stretches back to the 1990s. The group’s mission is to operate sustainably and delight guests and investors, whilst striving to deliver a positive environmental and social impact within local communities.
